Vintage Glam Boutique will be changing it's NAME to Urban Escape Boutique....
yep, you got it...
BUSINESS name change is in FULL EFFECT.

you'll be noticing the changes very soon but wanted to kind of do it gradually so that the majority of our fabulous followers are aware of it before EVERYTHING switches over.
SO... are you wondering WHY!?
well, i absolutely
the name Vintage Glam
i am planning on keeping it &
possibly start a new line of product under that business name.
we will see what the future holds on that!!
but, back to WHY?!?!
when i first opened up my boutique, it was very fitting...
but now as i continue to grow & expand my product line,
Vintage Glam
seems, well... a little deceiving.
my focus now is on new women's accessories, apparel, & gift items.
i feel/felt as though i need a name that can grow WITH my business
and WITH my passions.
so after many hours, days, & probably a few months of pondering
IF it was the right decision to change the name... then i spent about as much
time deciding on the NEW NAME!!
i decided on Urban Escape Boutique because....
i want your shopping experience in my shops & online to be
an uplifting place to shop, escape, and leave behind the chaotic day to day life we live.
i am excited about having LOCAL {spicer / green lake} &
MN state LOVE products at the Spicer location.
{will have MN products at the Hutchinson location}
all designed & printed LOCALLY!!!
so many FUN things in the works...
thanks for continued support!
ps...... ALL gift cards, merchandise credits, etc will still be valid.